Dacoromania litteraria is an on-line journal that publishes literary history studies in English, French and Romanian. Authors are to submit their papers to the following address: (or the addresses announced in the call for papers).
Authors are free to choose the length of their papers. However, they should fall within the following limits:
- study: 25000-50000 signs;
- scientific review: 6000-10000 signs.
The texts must be submitted to the editorial staff in the TNR format, 12-point font size, single line spacing and no particular styles. Articles will contain no mention to allow identification of the author. A separate document will list the author’s name; her/his contact data (the author’s academic degree, institutional affiliation and electronic coordinates); a summary and five keywords in English and Romanian (ideal length is under 4000 characters).
Articles will be read by the editorial board and presented anonymously to the reading committee. The evaluation findings will be communicated to the author in term of two months.
Scientific reviews must remain untitled; instead, they should mention all the coordinates for the reviewed work: author, title, place of publication, publisher, collection, year of publication, number of pages.
Bibliographic references
Book |
Article |
Article in periodical |
Article volume in anthology or collective |
Successi on | First name, last name of the author, title in italics, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page(s) quoted. | First name, last name of the author, „title of the article in quotation marks”, title of the journal in italics, publication volume in roman numerals, publication year (publication date, if the case), number of fascicule, quoted page. In case of on-line journals access date and complete URL must be added. | First name, last name of the author, „title of the article in quotation marks”, in first name, last name of the editor, title in italics, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page quoted. |
Example | Pascale Casanova, La République mondiale des lettres, Paris, Seuil, 1998, p. 115. | Eleonora Sava, „Les archives du Cercle de folklore de Cluj”, Transylvanian Review, XXII, 2013, 2, pp. 143-145. | Georges Molinié, « Cliché et littérarité », in Éric Bordas et Catherine Rannoux (eds.), Clichés et clichages, Poitiers, La Licorne, 2002, p. 175. |
Example | Jacques Derrida, Scriitura şi diferenţa. Traducere de Bogdan Ghiu şi Dumitru Ţepeneag, Bucureşti, Univers, 1998, pp. 28-29. | Laura Pavel, “Self-Derisive Theatricalisation of Identity: Imagological Clichés in the Romanian Dramaturgy”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Series Dramatica, LVI, 2011, 1, pp. 25-34. | Ligia Tudurachi, « La cohésion des groupes littéraires. Une sociologie de l’intimité », in Ioana Both, Ayse Saraçgil, Angela Tarantino (eds.), Storia, identità e canoni letterari, Firenze, Firenze University Publications, 2013, pp. 199-206. |
Example | Iordan Chimet (ed.), Dreptul la memorie, IV, Cluj-Napoca, Dacia, 1993, p. 33. | Ion Vinea, „Cultură si antisemitism”, Contimporanul, I, 10 February 1923, 30, pp. 3-4. | Nichifor Crainic, „Parsifal”, in Puncte cardinale în haos, Bucuresti, Cugetarea, 1930, pp. 45-48. |
Example | Ilarie Voronca, A doua lumină. Edited by Ion Pop, Bucuresti, Minerva, 1996, p. 64. | Paul Aron, « Sur les pastiches de Proust », COnTEXTES, 2006, 1, accessed on 2 December 2013, |
B.P. Hasdeu, „Cauzele și rezultatele cosmopolitismului”, in Scrieri literare morale și politice. Edited by Mircea Eliade, II, București, Fundația pentru Literatură și Artă „Regele Carol II”, 1937, p. 121. |
- all bibliographic references must be marked in footnotes and numbered consecutively, starting from 1;
- notes within the text must be placed before any other punctuation marks.
E.g. such a subject1.
- for works quoted several times:
- in consecutive notes: Ibidem, p.
- at several notes apart: first name and last name of the author, abbreviated title (if already quoted before), quoted page.
E.g. Georges Molinié, « Cliché », p. 175.
Specific style requests
- • quotation marks must be adjusted to the writing language of the article:
- in Romanian : „...”
- in French: « ... »
- in English: “...”
- texts written in French must pay attention to non-breaking spaces in case of quotation marks and punctuation marks composed of two signs (two dots, dot and comma).
- capital letters must be accented just like small letters.
- quotations shorter than three lines must be included in the body of the text; quotations over this limit must be placed in an independent paragraph, with a 2 cm indentation.
Submission of a thematic dossier
In order to submit a thematic dossier to Dacoromania litteraria, the following are required:
- a bio-bibliographical presentation of the coordinator(s) of the dossier;
- an argument for the theme approached;
- a preliminary plan providing an introduction and a minimum of six articles;
- a timeline for the delivery of the dossier.
Dossiers can be submitted to the following address: they will be assessed by the editorial board.
Copyright Agreement
Authors are required to use the following Template: Template