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Literary history beyond the national frame
Dossier coordonné par / Edited by Călin Teutișan, Cosmin Borza

ISSN–L 2360 – 5189
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In the critical discourse of the field’s most reputed researchers, the vantage point on the “nation” has shifted from a tendency towards studying it within strictly defined geographical boundaries (and implicitly within ethnic and racial categories) to the concession of isolating networks of transcultural phenomena, territorial crossings or multilingual interferences. As a consequence, literary histories themselves could no longer be shaped after the ethnocentric model of “epical synthesis” fuelled by 19th century values and worldviews. Historiographical approaches aimed at establishing national narratives about canonical authors, about referential historical data, about the most representative literary movements or – in the case of so-called “semi-peripheric” cultures – about the intersections and synchronisations with “great” and “central” cultures have been replaced by theoretical standpoints built upon debating cultural confluences, intersections and hybridizations, precisely those phenomena that eschew inquiry within the confines of a single ethnic space.
Since the early 2000s, the reconfiguration of literary history beyond the nation has not only generated intense debate, but has also prompted far-reaching research projects, of which transnational literary histories with regional focus (addressing Latin America, the Iberic Peninsula and Central and Eastern Europe, respectively) have proven the most prolific. At the same time, the national literary systems’ presumed homogeneity has been dismantled during recent years by the Bloomsbury Academic series Literatures as World Literatures, coordinated by Thomas O. Beebee. This collection, which has hosted extensive studies on world literatures (German, Brazilian, Danish, Dutch, Romanian and American, among others), has not only led to new variations in the field of comparative literature, but also to viable approaches to contemporary literary history. Among the major aims of these studies were the rehabilitation of a broad array of phenomena, directions and literary instruments previously neglected or downright rejected by literary historiography: literatures written by ethnic minorities, by exiled or diasporic authors, literatures preceding the nation-state in its current understanding, literatures that refuse any sort of national classification, circuits of translation and export, the profoundly heterogenous phenomena of global literature, etc.
Introduction / 5
Histoires littéraires alternatives / Alternative scenarios to national literary histories
Le Surréalisme en 1947: The Export and Exchange of Ideas in Post-War International Surrealism / 8
[Abstract / Rezumat] [Full Text]
Interférences de l’histoire littéraire. Traités en langue hongroise sur la littérature roumaine au tournant du XXe siècle / 21
[Abstract / Rezumat] [Full Text]
Romanian English Studies Specialists and National Literary History / 29
[Abstract / Rezumat] [Full Text]
A New Concept of Literary History. Romanian Literature and the Network Structures / 39
[Abstract / Rezumat] [Full Text]
Transgressions de l’histoire littéraire nationale / Transgressions of national literary historiography
De l’histoire littéraire (contemporaine) en régime intermédial : perspective interniste et épreuve du dehors visuel de la littérature (XXe–XXIe siècles) / 67
[Abstract / Rezumat] [Full Text]
Pour une nouvelle histoire littéraire québécoise, du local à l’universel : la littérature migratoire / 90
[Abstract / Rezumat] [Full Text]
Figures de la nation / Avatars of national narratives
The English Translation of Mihai Eminescuʼs Poetry / 122
[Abstract / Rezumat] [Full Text]
The Physiology of Taste. From Culinary to Literary Art / 137
[Abstract / Rezumat] [Full Text]
Tissus et accessoires oubliés. De la panoplie vestimentaire dʼun écrivain « sentimental » / 149
[Abstract / Rezumat] [Full Text]
Comptes rendus / Book Reviews
Romanian Literature as World Literature, New York and London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017 (Anca Socaci) / 181
The Culture of Translation in Romania / Übersetzungskultur und Literaturübersetzen in Rumänien, Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018 (Mirela Șăran) / 182